Top High-Paying Jobs in Canada Without Work Permits

Top High-Paying Jobs in Canada Without Work Permits: Did you just recently relocate to Canada and do not have your work permit just yet, or do you want to move to Canada as part of your search for a better life?

As a foreigner staying in Canada, and you do not have a Canadian passport just yet, you might need to have your work permit before you are allowed to start working in the country.

However, there are quite some jobs that do not require a work permit. And here in this article, I will be showing you these top high-paying jobs in Canada without work permits. So, without further ado, let us proceed.

10 Top High-Paying Jobs In Canada Without Work Permits

1. Athlete:

As a foreign athlete staying in Canada, you do not need to have a work permit before you can work in the country. This includes all types of sports, including soccer, baseball, basketball, handball, golf, combat sports like judo, Taekwondo, and a lot of others. However, to be able to stay in the country for a long time, you might only need to have a residence permit.

2. Coach:

As a coach, your job is to oversee your team or athlete. Getting this kind of job is usually based on contracts, and does not require any work permits at all. Depending on the team that you are working with, the payment is usually very high.

3. Referee:

As compared to coaches or athletes, the referee is a match official, and his job is to ensure that the rules of the match or game are kept.

4. Expert Witness or Investigator: 

As an expert witness or an investigator, your work entails conducting investigations and providing shreds of evidence before a tribunal. As a foreigner without a Canadian passport, you will not need a work permit to take on this type of high-paying job.

5. Military Personnel:

As a military personnel of another country, while in Canada, you do not need to have a work permit. However, you must have movement orders stating that you are entering Canada under the Visiting Forces Act.

6. Film and Media Crew:

Film and media crew members are exempted from having a work permit in Canada. However, this is if they do not compete in the labor market. They are work permit-free under the belief that they won’t be taking part in the Canadian labor market, and they will only stay within the time frame they are making their movie.

7. Performing Artist:

Similar to the film and media crew jobs, performing artists are allowed to work in Canada without having a work permit. And in most cases, performing artists do not even need a residence permit before they can work in Canada. This is due to their work being for just a couple of days.

12 thoughts on “Top High-Paying Jobs in Canada Without Work Permits”

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